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St Patrick with his Crozier which it is believed he used to banish the snakes from Ireland.
A leaf from our Shamrock
St Patricks Day . La Le Padraig.
St Patricks Day is celebrated in Ireland and around the world every year . On the 17 th of March. Familys children and tourists all gather to watch the parade . Every vantage point is taken in anticipation as they wait for 12 oc for the start. A person renowned for their irish achievements is chosen as grand marshal to lead the parade through the strees of the capital.
St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and was a shepherd. He was captured and held for 6 years before escaping having been held by Irish raiders. He returned to Ireland as a bishop in the north and west as the story would have it. St Patricks day is held on the date of his death believed to be in the year ad 493 He taught the irish people about the holy trinity and used the 3 leafed clover . This is now what we call shamrock our Patricks day symbol. This shamrock is worn on the lapel of our coatsand distributed to our troops serving on overseas missions eg with the United Nations. Come to Ireland on this day enjoy the craic and dont forget to have a pint of Guinness brewed here in Ireland and dont forget to see the parade.